Maybe there's something you want but don’t yet have...

  • More money or profit
  • Promotion
  • Direction
  • Peace of mind
  • Better relationships
  • An unfilled ambition
  • Start-up your own business

Or something you have that you don’t want...

  • Stress, anxiety, frustration
  • Bored, stuck, overwhelmed
  • Short of time, no time for yourself
  • Putting things off
  • Underperforming staff
  • Projects not getting done
  • Difficult people or situations

Or you want to focus on what’s really important to you?

  • More time with your family
  • Health and fitness
  • Travel and adventure
  • Helping people

Do you want to do something about it?

That’s where coaching comes in.

To help you achieve the things you want so that you can live the life you want.
Find out
how coaching can help. >>

When I set up the Red Rubber Ball Company I worked out what was important to me.

This dictates everything I do.

So what happened?

In the last 7 years I’ve worked with some fantastic clients who wanted to choose what was important to them. I’ve set up a charity that’s put 148 Kenyan children through school – plus 2 of my own. I’ve written two books with the third on the way.

I’ve led a team of 30 up Kilimanjaro, climbed Mont Blanc, volunteered at the Rio Olympics and met some amazing people including Barack Obama’s grandmother. And I’ve had a lot of fun with my family along the way.

None of this was without consequences, and I’ve had failures and set backs along with way. But I have life not just a business.Save


So is your life the way you want it?

Can you be bothered to change?

Are you going to wait for something to happen or do something about it? After all


If you need some help. Get in touch.

“Neil’s coaching has been a life-changing revelation to me. He has helped me see things from a completely different angle, by leading me to make the discovery myself through our conversations. This means that the change of behaviour happens instantaneously because it comes from one’s own mind. I would recommend to take this journey to anyone, no matter what their professional status, attitudes and struggles are. Very powerful and meaningful stuff!”

Kasia Zygadlewicz

Art Director, Blue Latitude Health

“The time spent with Neil in our one to one coaching sessions in 2012 was of huge importance in my career development. As well as just a sounding board his business insight, market knowledge and invaluable advice provided me with the clarity to move forward in my career with real confidence. I owe you Neil, and would recommend you at all times.”

Francis Corbishley

Partner, Moore Stephens

Get in touch.

So would you like more from your work or life? Get in touch.